Friday, February 26, 2010

I am considered as the 'lucky one' yesterday as being chosen as one of the students as guinea pig for a program newly introduced by ministry of education.... We been asked to attend extra english classes for total 20 hours in one month period... is it good or bad?? for a student with packed schedule?? And it is first time i been so quiet in the class as other's speaking is more more better than me.. feel so shame to even speak out a sentence.. This is my very 1st time been surrounded by lot of 'A mo shai'... wish i can talk in the way just like them although this is just a dream for me...Actually i should felt glad to be chosen but dunno i got the time to do it or just left it aside now.... At home again now.... and im again in my sort of 'lazy mood', i wanna study but really no passion for that...always left things undone to the end isn't a good choice... i know i should start study but yet im on fb-ing without any purpose... stare at the laptop for most of my time although nothing to do... This actually due to my emo time as the exam is near... i wish i can back to normal again like last time... I wish i haven change at all..i wish.............. Meeting my cousin during my cny and chatting bout study stuff and found my past on her.. i used to be someone who is 'kia shu and kia si'...but now, i study without an aim.. this shouldn't be always be the proud of my family and also among my relative and i wish that i still be... so, it's really time for me to work out back who i am before... it will be hard but i think i should at least try... so, just wish me luck^^

1 comment:

helen said...

all the best ya..good luck..i believe u can do it well..heheh..